Tuesday, December 10, 2013

An Attempt

I've been asked by several people to blog about the books I read and would recommend. I've also been asked to become an Amazon Associate so that people can buy books through my blog and by doing so help me earn monies to purchase more books to read/review. So, after discovering that I couldn't do that in a free wordpress blog I decided to try blogger. Let's see if it works.

Here is a list of Christmas picture books that I love. I have added a new picture book to my collection every year and will stop (maybe) when I get to 25. Here are some favorites:

Wombat Divine by Mem Fox (i own this and love it!)
The Bear Stays Up for Christmas by Karma Wilson (I'm a big fan of the Bear books)
Mortimer's Christmas Manger by Karma Wilson (karma Wilson rocks)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss (I don't own this but have much of it memorized!)
Jingle-Jingle by Nicola Smee (Just got this for the library. A great baby title)
Minerva Louise on Christmas Eve by Janet Morgan Stoeke (love Minerva Louise, I need to get this for my collection)

Okay, I know there are more but I cannot think of them right now. It should be noted that I'm not sentimental so the holiday books I love tend to be fun/silly rather than tender. I suspect this is because as a story teller I'm really good at the fun stories. Anyway, happy holiday reading!

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